It's been a good week since my last post, though it's gotten much cooler and I caught a cold. I also did some shopping over the weekend, including buying myself a new camera! I've been needing one since my last one stopped working. I decided on an ultra portable Sony Cybershot DSC-T77. It's 10.1 megapixels and the back is a full touch screen. And the best part? It's green! lol
Church went well and I had fun hanging out, playing soccer, and talking with friends. And now back to Pepero Day.
Pepero Day is a day invented by the makers of Pepero, a chocolate covered stick that comes in several different varieties, that is similar in some ways to Valentines Day. It's a time to buy chocolates for people you care about or just friends and, of course, students. It always takes place on November 11th. Why, you may ask? Because November 11th resembles the Pepero sticks(11/11). No, seriously. lol
So I bought a large container and several boxes to give out to students today in each class. It was so much fun. There were students walking around everywhere with Pepero sticks and I got several boxes and sticks from students as gifts. I was also handing out sticks left and right. Needless to say, I had a lot of chocolate tonight and still have several boxes that I brought home. I took a couple of pictures of the teacher's room and my desk:
Hey Kevin!
I hope all is going well in Korea and I'm glad you finally got a camera. I see you're reading FOXNews :P don't spend too much time on there. :D
Those chairs look very comfy..albeit a little odd. :P
Yayy for chocolate.
Sorry this totally random comment! :P
Hey Sam, it's really great to hear from you! Thanks for commenting. Yeah, I'm glad to be able to take some real pictures now. I usually spend time in between classes reading the news, if I'm not talking to students. I get bored otherwise. :P
The chair is comfortable, Rachel. They rearranged the room a few weeks ago and some of our chairs got mixed up. We were all complaining about how the chairs felt so uncomfortable because we were used to "our" chairs. lol It's okay now, though. :P And I'll second that "yay." hehe
Wow, you posted another post after this one already! But! I told you I would comment on this post, and so I shall... :D So glad you got a camera! Now you are obligated to take lots and looots of pictures! ;)
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