Wednesday, January 14, 2009

I've been tagged by Rachel

So I'm gonna do this crazy picture thing. hehe

1. Go to your "My Pictures" file.
2. Select the 6th folder.
3. Select the 6th picture.
4. Post that picture and explain it.
5. Tag 6 people to do the same thing!

This was Christmas 2005 and is, overall, a bad picture of everyone in it. lol
We were decorating the basement Christmas tree with the three Korean girls who were staying with us at the time. In this picture is Sarah, Me and Youngsun, and she would kill me if she knew I posted it. :D

Can't tag 6 people cause I don't know that many on blogger. lol


Anonymous said...

haha, I would've just chosen the best picture I could find. ;-)

Rachel said...

:) I'm glad you didn't just choose one. It's the randomness that makes it fun :P