Wednesday, November 12, 2008

ESL Studentisms

ESL Studentisms- funny English phrases spoken by students learning English as a second language.

It was so funny tonight. I have a student in my most basic class. His name is Matt and he's about 8 years old. I've taught them all how to respond to the question, "how are you?" I wrote it on the whiteboard and after several days of repeating it together, they have it down. I say "how are you" and they respond with "fine, thank you, how are you?" Most of them understand it but apparently I still need to do additional explaining to some.

I was standing by the water cooler getting a drink at the same time as Matt had come out of his classroom, where they wait for class to start, to get a drink. He looked up at me for a second and then says to me, "I'm fine, thank you, how are you?" It was so hilarious I had to keep from laughing and just smiled and responded with, "I'm good, thank you!" The kids are cute.

Matt is also the student that finds the hair on my chin fascinating and often reaches out to try to rub my chin if I'm leaning over a book helping them with their work. Fun, fun.


Anonymous said...

awe, that is funny. =)

Anonymous said...

We'll I finally checked out your blog. Very nice. Glad to hear things are going well but sometimes challenging. It's all worth it in the end.


Sarah Elizabeth said...

Aw, how cute~! I miss being able to share our funny teaching stories over the dinner table or after classes... You're the best bro and you leave me to go all the way to the other side of the country :O Shocking... ;)

Anonymous said...

I see my love for children has trickled down.....glad you are enjoying them!
